
Season Ticket and Club Members Information


Membership card and pack distribution is nearly complete!

If you have not received your card, please phone the Phoenix hotline on 04 384 2457.

In your envelope look out for the redemption card to pick up your membership pack.

You will be able to redeem these cards for your packs at:
– RYOS Lambton Quay & Canterbury/RYOS store in Queensgate Mall, Lower Hutt after 15 September.
– 13 October, Round One match at Westpac Stadium.

Tickets to Home Games outside of Wellington

If you-re a Season Ticket holder, your membership includes our home games in Napier (27 October), Christchurch (9 November) and Auckland (1 February).

You will need to redeem your membership card for a game ticket to attend these games due to different seating sections.

If you have not received an email from us with details on how to do this, please email us on phoenixadmin@prod.wellingtonphoenix.aleagues.com.au.