Hyundai A-League Season 2012/13 sees the Phoenix introduce its first ever Club Membership.
More than just a season ticket holder, a Club Membership means you are a member of the Club itself. Besides having privileged access to some Club events and see in behind the scenes of the Club with the exclusive members only website, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are part of an exclusive club of supporters.
A Club Membership is also perfect for supporters outside Wellington. The Club membership will form the basis of a network of members clubs that we will establish throughout New Zealand, Australia and around the world.
Club members will have the chance to meet the Phoenix when the team are playing away from Wellington.
The make the Club Memberships really fly, the Wellington Phoenix are looking for the Club-s most enthusiastic international supporters to head up Phoenix member clubs in cities all around the world.
The local Chairs of these member clubs will head up the Phoenix presence in these cities and the Club will support in helping set up and run them.
Phoenix General Manager David Dome said that the members clubs was the fulfilment of the newly introduced Club Membership.
“We-ve introduced the Club Membership for the first time this year. This Club Membership allows fans to be a member of the Club instead of just a season ticket holder. For Club Members that live outside Wellington and for Wellington based Members that travel, it-s an opportunity to meet up with fellow Members at designated Phoenix events around the world”.
Club Member functions will be arranged through the local clubs where Members can meet to watch games, coordinate their support and live the Phoenix effect in their city.
In Australia, the local member clubs will meet in the lead up to a Phoenix away game, where Members will be able to meet Phoenix players and management and share in the pre-game build up. Club Members will also be able to use their one free match day ticket at that nominated away game.
To make the clubs work, the Club is looking for dedicated Club Members to run them.
“The local Chairperson will really be the one that make this thing work. We will support them with resources and guidance, but we need top notch Members in these cities to pick the idea up and really make the most of it. So we-re putting the call out – do you want to lead of the Wellington Phoenix Football Club Supporter-s Club?”
The qualities the Club are looking for in their local Chairs are: great organisational skills, ability to use limited resources to maximum effect, energy and drive and, above all else, passionate about the Phoenix and supporting the team.
Leaders are required in New Zealand cities, all A-League cities in Australia, as well major international cities around the world. However, applications will be looked at in any location where Club Members believe they can make a viable Club community really fly.
An application form is attached to this page. Complete the form and send it in to the Wellington Phoenix and the best submissions will be selected to lead the Wellington Phoenix in cities around the world. Note, you must be a Club Member (or at least have already applied to be a Club Member) before you can apply to be a local Chair!
Purchase your Club Membership here or ring the dedicated Phoenix hotline on 04 384 2457
Club Memberships at a glance:
* An exclusive membership pack
* Access to a Club Member only website hosting interviews with players and management and video analysis
* Attendance at the Club AGM and member only discounts at the Wellington Phoenix on-line store.