
Football For All

Football For All

The Football For All programme has the primary aim of fostering inclusion, participation and hauora, by using football as a vehicle.

The programme places tamariki and rangatahi from ages 5-18 into their local football clubs, futsal teams and school teams by removing barriers to the game.

The programme has been designed to focus on our refugee and immigrant communities, as well as lower socio economic families and families facing hardship.

Football For All focuses on the following barriers:

– Registration costs
– Equipment needs
– Transportation assistance
– Communication difficulties

There are multiple ways to get involved with the 2024 programme. Participants can select the level of support they need for the season, choose to play club football or school football or Futsal.

For more information on registrations head to: footballforall.org.nz

Programme Partners

Programme Owner:

Football For the Community Development Trust

Other funding partners:

Ministry for Ethnic Communities

Primary Funder:

Lloyd Morrison Trust

Footwear donation partner:

New Balance NZ

Community Partners: